Guess the weight of the white pumpkin!

Guess the weight of the pumpkin is a PLK Ho Yuk Ching 1984 College tradition. There was a table at the entrance to the school for the week prior to Halloween.

Entry for ‘Guess the Weight’ was open to the whole school, including the teachers. Requirements were to write their name, contact number and weight on a sheet found on the table.

Each student is able to lift it, notice its shape and to feel it. Some students even tried dressing up the pumpkins with some funny glasses and headbands.

The guesses for the white pumpkin ranged from 50 pounds to just 1 pound in weight. The actual pumpkin weighed 8.38 pounds and the students who guessed the closest to the weight was Billy from class 6B with a guess of 8.5 pounds. Next, were Amy from class 6A and Raymond from class 6B – they both guessed the weight at 8.8 pounds. English teacher Ms. Ng was very close too with a guess at 9 pounds.

Everyone is a winner who participated and Halloween treats will be distributed to those who made guesses, by members of the English Society.

Meet Sally. She loves reading
and going to Hong Kong Disneyland at Halloween.

Pumpkins can have names - this one is Frederika.

Ryan Choi 3D and Kyo Yueng 3A

Andy Wong 6B

Fun to Read Shopping Visit

Visit to Fun to Read Bookshop in Kwun Tong to shop for classroom books on January 17, 2020.   Ms. Leslie the NET teacher and Ms. Ng the English Panel Chair with the S1 and S2 students.

The students were able to choose the books themselves. The shopping outing allowed the S1 and S2 students the opportunity to make independent choices on the books they feel their classmates would enjoy. In addition, the experience allowed the students the chance to develop their own literacy likes and dislikes and understand their own reading ability.   

With so many books to choose from, every reader was able to find a book to match their preference. H. It is nice for the students to be able to read what interests them. 

Hopefully, the classes will get to enjoy the choices made.

Lunchtime Activities

"October Festivities"





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