
Reading is an essential skill for anyone who wants to succeed in life, but it is equally important in helping you to develop and reinforce all your other language skills.

Reading is beneficial in many ways. It helps one to improve vocabulary, writing, grammar, and even reading and listening skills because you are constantly reminded of the vocabulary you may know, the sentence structure and language usage and expression.  It is recommended that students should read all types of material, fiction as well as non-fiction.

In our own school library there are many magazines, comics, mystery stories and graphic novels to explore.  Students can also an effort to find their own reading material from a local library.

In addition, the school subscribes to the online reading sites Raz-Kids and Scholastic. There is a Battle of the Books club and an internal Mini-Bob reading competition in forms 1 and 2.

The main point is for students to read as much as they can.  Most of all, read for pleasure. The more one reads, the more they will enjoy reading. 


F2 English workshop



Harvard book prize



Every language can easily be learned with a strong grasp of basic concepts. Students are offered ways to speak more naturally and fluently and know when to use the appropriate vocabulary in real world conversation by practicing speaking in various activities.

At the school, students learn to practice their English from conversational English through games, clubs and ECA’s to more formal settings such as through English debate and the Hong Kong Speech Festival. There are many chances for students to improve their speaking skills by making announcements in English and through the On Air announcements.

The students can also practice and learn natural intonation when speaking with the NET teacher.


becoming a detective






It is very empowering to be able to communicate effectively in a second language through writing.

Good writing means both revising and rewriting, proofreading and editing and all writers can benefit from the process. Students need to pay attention to the teachers comments and instructions. It is important to revise. Improve the content, the organization, the vocabulary, or the sentence structure as needed. Then, edit and correct the grammar, punctuation and spelling mistakes.  


Students have their best writing published in a an annual school anthology.

The creative writing ECA is a weekly club led by the NET teacher. Topics of writing include poetry, narrative and expressive writing.

Students are also encouraged to join the many writing competitions offered by organizations.


A normed writer



Spelling Bees


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